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Join up the NatureSpots App

Observing and learning about nature is fun. In the NatureSpots App you can put up kind of nature sightings - from species to habitats. Join up and help building a biodiversity data set and share your photos!

Do you have already a SPOTTERON Account?
Log in here the NatureSpots App.

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Share and map your nature photos

Do you love nature? We do, too! In the NatureSpots App you can find like-minded people sharing their adventures. Post your nature photos on the map in the App and share your love of nature with the community!

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No trackers, no advertising

We do not want to sell you anything. Your personal data in the App is save and you choose what to share and which name to use. We do not include trackers and there are no ads - because digital privacy ethics matter!

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NatureSpots - the new App for Nature and Biodiversity Spotting

NSP LogoCircle 120pxOn the NatureSpots App, you can join a growing community of nature lovers and enthusiasts and contribute your own sightings! The App's community will help you identifying species of animals, plants or even mushrooms and you can share photos of habitats and natural landscapes with others. Join up and download the free App for Android or iOS now or start sharing your love about nature in the NatureSpots map here on this website!

★ NatureSpots lets you put your nature observations on the map ★ NatureSpots is 100% community-driven ★ NatureSpots is free and without ads ★ NatureSpots is independent and non-profit ★ NatureSpots respects your privacy and is an European project 

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Hey, do you love Nature?

Observing and learning about nature is fun and can help to protect our environment. In the NatureSpots App, you can put up all kinds of nature sightings - from species to habitats. Join up and help to build a biodiversity data set and share your photos!


Create your account or download the NatureSpots App for your Smartphone now to join the community!

NatureSpots App on a Smartphone with people running into nature
Step 1: Citizen Science App Download

App Download

Download and install the free App on your Android device or on your iPhone via the App Stores linked below.
Step 2: Register your SPOTTERON Citizen Science user account


After the start of the App, you can register your own user account on the platform with just your eMail address.
Step 3: Login and contribute in the Citizen Science App


Start observing! You are automatically logged-in after registering and you can add your first observation right away!
Get the App for your smartphone here or open the map in your browser: Badge App Download Android Badge App Download iPhone Open map

Download and print the NatureSpot card!

Wanna add some measurement to your nature observations? Download the NatureSpots Card and print it at home! You can hold it into the picture you take on your smartphone to add a sense of size to your animal, plant, or fungi observation. The grayscale brightness indicators can additionally help with providing a reference for the exposure of your picture.

Print your card today, it fits perfectly in a wallet or you can even glue it on your banking-card cover to have the card ready when you need it. Easy!

Download the Card (PDF)

NatureSpots Card Download

Latest Observations in the NatureSpots App

Freshwater spotted by Baiba
#Autumn days
Freshwater - Nature Spots App

Animals spotted by Franz
Sehr spät ist noch dieses schon alte Exemplar eines Kardinals Argynnis pandora auf Tagetes unterwegs.
Animals - Nature Spots App

Animals spotted by Franz
Dunkle Erdhummel (Bombus terrestris) auf Borretsch Borago officinalis
Animals - Nature Spots App

Animals spotted by Franz
Große Holzbiene (Xylocopa violacea) auf Borretsch Borago officinalis
Animals - Nature Spots App

Animals spotted by Franz
Westliche Honigbiene (Apis mellifera) fliegt auf Borretsch Borago officinalis.
Animals - Nature Spots App

Animals spotted by Franz
Mistbiene Eristalis tenax auf Tagetes
Animals - Nature Spots App

Fungi spotted by Stefan Holzapfel
Kleiner Auszug der Schwammervielfalt in unserem Wald - freue mich über Bestimmung
Fungi - Nature Spots App

Animals spotted by Stefan Holzapfel
Ein Vogelschwarm in V-Formation. Worum handelt es sich?
Animals - Nature Spots App

Freshwater spotted by Franz
Die einst künstlich angelegten Wasserläufe sind auch heute wertvolle Lebensadern.
Freshwater - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Die Sommerlinde (Tilia platyphyllos) ändert ihr Aussehen.
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Fruchtreife beim Glattblättrigen Zürgelbaum (Celtis laevigata)
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Die Japanische Zelkove (Zelkova serrata) beginnt mit der Blattfärbung.
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Bunte Herbstblätter zeigt die Schlitzblättrige Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica).
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Blattfärbung 50% bei der Hänge-Hainbuche - Carpinus betulus 'Pendula'
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Ein Jahr und 4 Tage später: Die Blattfärbung bei der Hänge-Hainbuche - Carpinus betulus 'Pendula ist heuer schon intensiver.
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Die mächtige Hänge-Buche (Fagus sylvatica f. pendula) hat noch ihre grünen Blätter.
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Blattfärbung 50% beim Tulpenbaum (Liriodendron tulipifera)
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Ein Opfer des letzten Unwetters ist die Silber-Pappel Populus alba agg.
Plants - Nature Spots App

Animals spotted by Franz
Der Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) ist schon lange unterwegs. Trotz beschädigtem linken Hinterflügel ist er rasch wieder weg.
Animals - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Die Morgenländische Platane oder Orientalische Platane (Platanus orientalis) trägt Herbstfarben.
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Blattfärbung bei der Zerreiche (Quercus cerris)
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Fruchtreife beim Glattblättrigen Zürgelbaum (Celtis laevigata) im Harrachpark in Bruck/L.
Plants - Nature Spots App

Animals spotted by Franz
Grüne Kräuselspinne (Nigma walckenaeri) auf Amerikanischem Amberbaum (Liquidambar styraciflua)
Animals - Nature Spots App

Animals spotted by Franz
Wipfel-Stachelwanze (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale)
Animals - Nature Spots App

Animals spotted by Franz
Sechsjahres-Schmalbiene Lasioglossum marginatum auf Löwenzahn (Taraxacum officinale)
Animals - Nature Spots App

Freshwater spotted by Franz
Langsam fließendes Süßwasser
Freshwater - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Die älteste Stiel-Eiche trägt ihr Herbstkleid.
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Prachtphase beim Amerikanischen Amberbaum (Liquidambar styraciflua)
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Noch sind auf dem Gewöhnlichen Schneeball (Viburnum opulus) Früchte zu finden.
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Erste Blattnadeln der Echten Sumpfzypresse (Taxodium distichum) ändern ihre grüne Farbe.
Plants - Nature Spots App

Plants spotted by Franz
Schwarz-Erle (Alnus glutinosa)
Plants - Nature Spots App

Freshwater spotted by Franz
Ein Platz zum Innehalten.
Freshwater - Nature Spots App

Browse more Nature Spots on the world's map


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NatureSpots App with plants and leaves

Get the free App!

NatureSpots is a non-profit and 100% community-driven project. We run it because we love to discover our world and share our findings with others. The app does not contain any ads and we do not get money from this project at all. Download the App on your Smartphone and join up!

Android AppStoreBadge 150x45px IOS AppStoreBadge 150x45px

Want to partner up for a new biodiversity experience?

We are looking for partners, who are interested in biodiversity data, Citizen Science and being part of a modern and unique app. NatureSpots App is running on the SPOTTERON Citizen Science platform and provides a wide range of interactive features. For partners, we can provide communication tools, access to the data administration interface and download of occurrence records without any costs.

Please get in contact via if you are interested in joining NatureSpots with your organization! Let's talk about the future of biodiversity monitoring and how we can work best together!