Web Ecologist

Web Ecologist

Nuctenea umbratica: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by OSWR in habitat Garden on 28.06.2021. Nuctenea umbratica (Nuctenea umbratica) is a species of arachnid. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: OSWR
Posted in: Animal > Nuctenea umbratica

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Cryptocephalus aureolus: Animal in habitat Flowerbed in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by OSWR in habitat Flowerbed on 28.06.2021. Cryptocephalus aureolus (Cryptocephalus aureolus) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Flowerbed
By User: OSWR
Posted in: Animal > Cryptocephalus aureolus

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Centaurea stoebe: Plant in habitat Road or Transportation in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by OSWR in habitat Road or Transportation on 28.06.2021. Centaurea stoebe (Centaurea stoebe) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #RoadorTransportation
By User: OSWR
Posted in: Plant > Centaurea stoebe

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Green shield bug: Animal in habitat Buffer strip in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by OSWR in habitat Buffer strip on 28.06.2021. Green shield bug (Palomena prasina) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Bufferstrip
By User: OSWR
Posted in: Animal > Green shield bug

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Green shield bug: Animal in habitat Buffer strip in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by OSWR in habitat Buffer strip on 28.06.2021. Green shield bug (Palomena prasina) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Bufferstrip
By User: OSWR
Posted in: Animal > Green shield bug

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Monday, 28 June 2021 13:18


An endolith is an organism (archaeon, bacterium, fungus, lichen, algae or amoeba) that lives inside rock, coral, animal shells, or in the pores between mineral grains of a rock. Many are extremophiles, living in places long imagined inhospitable to life. They are of particular interest to astrobiologists, who theorize that endolithic environments on Mars and other planets constitute potential refugia for extraterrestrial microbial communities.


The term "endolith", which defines an organism that colonizes the interior of any kind of rock, has been further classified into three subclasses:

colonizes fissures and cracks in the rock (chasm = cleft)
colonizes structural cavities within porous rocks, including spaces produced and vacated by euendoliths (crypto = hidden)
penetrates actively into the interior of rocks forming tunnels that conform with the shape of its body, rock boring organism (eu = true)


Endoliths have been found in rock down to a depth of 3 kilometres (1.9 mi), though it is unknown if that is their limit (due to the cost involved in digging so deeply). The main threat to their survival seems not to result from the pressure at such depth, but from the increased temperature. Judging from hyperthermophile organisms, the temperature limit is at about 120 °C (Strain 121 can reproduce at 121 °C), which limits the possible depth to 4-4.5 km below the continental crust, and 7 or 7.5 km below the ocean floor. Endolithic organisms have also been found in surface rocks in regions of low humidity (hypolith) and low temperature (psychrophile), including the Dry Valleys and permafrost of Antarctica, the Alps, and the Rocky Mountains.


Wikipedia contributors. "Endolith." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 21 Jun. 2021. Web. 28 Jun. 2021.

Monday, 28 June 2021 12:46

Hot springs

A hot spring, hydrothermal spring, or geothermal spring is a spring produced by the emergence of geothermally heated groundwater onto the surface of the Earth. The groundwater is heated either by shallow bodies of magma (molten rock) or by circulation through faults to hot rock deep in the Earth's crust. In either case, the ultimate source of the heat is radioactive decay of naturally occurring radioactive elements in the Earth's mantle, the layer beneath the crust.

Hot spring water often contains large amounts of dissolved minerals. The chemistry of hot springs ranges from acid sulfate springs with a pH as low as 0.8, to alkaline chloride springs saturated with silica, to bicarbonate springs saturated with carbon dioxide and carbonate minerals. Some springs also contain abundant dissolved iron. The minerals brought to the surface in hot springs often feed communities of extremophiles, microorganisms adopted to extreme conditions, and it is possible that life on Earth had its origin in hot springs.

Hot spring ecosystems

Hot springs often host communities of microorganisms adapted to life in hot, mineral-laden water. These include thermophiles, which are a type of extremophile that thrives at high temperatures, between 45 and 80 °C (113 and 176 °F). Further from the vent, where the water has had time to cool and precipitate part of its mineral load, conditions favor organisms adapted to less extreme conditions. This produces a succession of microbial communities as one moves away from the vent, which in some respects resembles the successive stages in the evolution of early life.

For example, in a bicarbonate hot spring, the community of organisms immediately around the vent is dominated by filamentous thermophilic bacteria, such as Aquifex and other Aquificales, that oxidize sulfide and hydrogen to obtain energy for their life processes. Further from the vent, where water temperatures have dropped below 60 °C (140 °F), the surface is covered with microbial mats 1 centimetre (0.39 in) thick that are dominated by cyanobacteria, such as Spirulina, Oscillatoria, and Synechococcus, and green sulfur bacteria such as Chloroflexus. These organisms are all capable of photosynthesis, though green sulfur bacteria produce sulfur rather than oxygen during photosynthesis. Still further from the vent, where temperatures drop below 45 °C (113 °F), conditions are favorable for a complex community of microorganisms that includes Spirulina, Calothrix, diatoms and other single-celled eukaryotes, and grazing insects and protozoans. As temperatures drop close to those of the surroundings, higher plants appear.

Alkali chloride hot springs show a similar succession of communities of organisms, with various thermophilic bacteria and archaea in the hottest parts of the vent. Acid sulfate hot springs show a somewhat different succession of microorganisms, dominated by acid-tolerant algae (such as members of Cyanidiophyceae), fungi, and diatoms.[32] Iron-rich hot springs contain communities of photosynthetic organisms that oxidize reduced (ferrous) iron to oxidized (ferric) iron.

Hot springs are a dependable source of water that provides a rich chemical environment. This includes reduced chemical species that microorganisms can oxidize as a source of energy. In contrast with "black smokers" (hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor), hot springs produce fluids at less extreme temperatures, and they experience cycles of wetting and drying that promote formation of simple organic molecules. For these reasons, it has been hypothesized that hot springs may be the place of origin of life on Earth.


Source: Wikipedia contributors. "Hot spring." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 28 Jun. 2021. Web. 28 Jun. 2021.

Yponomeuta malinellus: Animal in nature in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by DiDoDa in nature on 28.06.2021. Yponomeuta malinellus (Yponomeuta malinellus) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Yponomeutamalinellus #Yponomeutamalinellus
By User: DiDoDa
Posted in: Animal > Yponomeuta malinellus

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Urban and Garden in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Danny VG in habitat Garden on 27.06.2021.. Post your nature observations of Urban and Garden sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #UrbanandGarden #Garden
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Urban and Garden > Landscape

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Urban and Garden in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Their owners are away for a while so I can take care of them they are real songbirds and not color canaries, Belgian Waterslager." says Danny VG in habitat Garden on 27.06.2021.. Post your nature observations of Urban and Garden sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #UrbanandGarden #Garden
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Urban and Garden > Landscape

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

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