Nature observation Blog from the NatureSpots App

Hosta: Plant in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Ganz einfach den Arsch der Hummel zu stützen?? oder ist es Eigennutz und Evolution?" says Danny VG in habitat Garden on 26.06.2022. Hosta (Hosta) is a genus of plants. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Garden
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Plant > Hosta

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Campsis radicans: Plant in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Blühbeginn bei der Amerikanischen Klettertrompete (Campsis radicans)" says Franz in habitat Garden on 27.06.2022. Campsis radicans (Campsis radicans) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Garden
By User: Franz
Posted in: Plant > Campsis radicans

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Lathyrus latifolius: Plant in habitat Crop cultivation in the NatureSpots App "Zwischen Weiden und Eichen." says Mamabird in habitat Crop cultivation on 27.06.2022. Lathyrus latifolius (Lathyrus latifolius) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Cropcultivation
By User: Mamabird
Posted in: Plant > Lathyrus latifolius

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Albizia julibrissin: Plant in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Vollblüte beim Seidenbaum (Albizia julibrissin), auch Seidenakazie oder Schlafbaum" says Franz in habitat Garden on 27.06.2022. Albizia julibrissin (Albizia julibrissin) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Garden
By User: Franz
Posted in: Plant > Albizia julibrissin

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Six-spot Burnet: Animal in nature in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Rainer Holzapfel in nature on 25.06.2022. Six-spot Burnet (Zygaena filipendulae) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #SixspotBurnet #Zygaenafilipendulae
By User: Rainer Holzapfel
Posted in: Animal > Six-spot Burnet

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Echium vulgare: Plant in nature in the NatureSpots App "Blühwiese hinter kleiner Obstwiese. Heute erst entdeckt. Nehme an, die Blauen mit rosa sind Natternkopf. Und die großen werden Sonnenblumen. ?" says Mamabird in nature on 27.06.2022. Echium vulgare (Echium vulgare) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Echiumvulgare #Echiumvulgare
By User: Mamabird
Posted in: Plant > Echium vulgare

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Idaea ochrata: Animal in habitat City and Urban in the NatureSpots App "Ockerfarbiger Steppenheiden-Zwergspanner Idaea ochrata" says Franz in habitat City and Urban on 27.06.2022. Idaea ochrata (Idaea ochrata) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #CityandUrban
By User: Franz
Posted in: Animal > Idaea ochrata

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Agriculture in habitat Buffer strip in the NatureSpots App "Ackersaum Blumen #lobaubleibt" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Buffer strip on 12.06.2022.. Post your nature observations of Agriculture sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Agriculture #Bufferstrip
By User: Ka vonSeiten
Posted in: Agriculture > Landscape

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Morus nigra: Plant in habitat Park in the NatureSpots App "Schwarze Maulbeere (Morus nigra) mit laufend reif werdenden Früchten." says Franz in habitat Park on 27.06.2022. Morus nigra (Morus nigra) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Park
By User: Franz
Posted in: Plant > Morus nigra

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Cynipidae: Animal in habitat Riparian forest in the NatureSpots App "Gallen in der Lobau, Vienna" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Riparian forest on 12.06.2022. Cynipidae (Cynipidae) is a family of insects. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Riparianforest
By User: Ka vonSeiten
Posted in: Animal > Cynipidae

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Viburnum ×bodnantense: Plant in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Bodnant-Schneeball (Viburnum ×bodnantense) mit seinen Laubblättern." says Franz in habitat Garden on 27.06.2022. Viburnum ×bodnantense (Viburnum ×bodnantense) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Garden
By User: Franz
Posted in: Plant > Viburnum ×bodnantense

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Deutzia scabra: Plant in habitat City and Urban in the NatureSpots App "Noch Vollblüte bei der Rauen Deutzie (Deutzia scabra)" says Franz in habitat City and Urban on 27.06.2022. Deutzia scabra (Deutzia scabra) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #CityandUrban
By User: Franz
Posted in: Plant > Deutzia scabra

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Gaillardia pulchella: Plant in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Gaillardia pulchella in Vollblüte" says Franz in habitat Garden on 27.06.2022. Gaillardia pulchella (Gaillardia pulchella) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Garden
By User: Franz
Posted in: Plant > Gaillardia pulchella

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Dipsacus fullonum: Plant in habitat Agriculture in the NatureSpots App "Fast symmetrisch gewachsen ist die Wilde Karde (Dipsacus fullonum)" says Franz in habitat Agriculture on 27.06.2022. Dipsacus fullonum (Dipsacus fullonum) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Agriculture
By User: Franz
Posted in: Plant > Dipsacus fullonum

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Cerceris rybyensis: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Bienenjagende Knotenwespe (Cerceris rybyensis) aus der Familie der Crabronidae." says Franz in habitat Garden on 27.06.2022. Cerceris rybyensis (Cerceris rybyensis) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: Franz
Posted in: Animal > Cerceris rybyensis

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Cerceris rybyensis: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Bienenjagende Knotenwespe (Cerceris rybyensis), ein Hautflügler aus der Familie der Crabronidae." says Franz in habitat Garden on 27.06.2022. Cerceris rybyensis (Cerceris rybyensis) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: Franz
Posted in: Animal > Cerceris rybyensis

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Hosta: Plant in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Wer weiß, warum Stempel und Staubblätter bei Funkien so schief sind??" says Danny VG in habitat Garden on 26.06.2022. Hosta (Hosta) is a genus of plants. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Garden
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Plant > Hosta

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

another species: Animal in habitat Tropical forest in the NatureSpots App "Looks like a millipede" says Gem Trips, Tour Operator in habitat Tropical forest on 21.06.2022. of another species. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Tropicalforest
By User: Gem Trips, Tour Operator
Posted in: Animal > another species

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

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