Nature observation Blog from the NatureSpots App

Tradescantia: Plant in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Meine Dreimaster Blume im etwas geschützten Bereich." says Tam Waits in habitat Garden on 18.10.2021. Tradescantia (Tradescantia) is a genus of plants. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Garden
By User: Tam Waits
Posted in: Plant > Tradescantia

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Lasioglossum politum: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Vielleicht Lasioglossum politum zeigen keinen Kreistanz auf der Wiesen-Schafgarbe" says Franz in habitat Garden on 18.10.2021. Lasioglossum politum (Lasioglossum politum) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: Franz
Posted in: Animal > Lasioglossum politum

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Red squirrel: Animal in nature in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Insectsvienna in nature on 18.10.2021. Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is a species of tree squirrel common throughout Eurasia. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Redsquirrel #Sciurusvulgaris
By User: Insectsvienna
Posted in: Animal > Red squirrel

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Cymbalaria muralis: Plant in habitat Road or Transportation in the NatureSpots App "Überlebenskünstler am Gehsteig Rand :) Kennt jemand die Art? #pflanze #blume #stadtnatur" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Road or Transportation on 17.10.2021. Cymbalaria muralis (Cymbalaria muralis) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #RoadorTransportation
By User: Ka vonSeiten
Posted in: Plant > Cymbalaria muralis

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Cyanistes caeruleus: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Blaumeise am neuen futterhaus" says OSWR/Vali in habitat Garden on 17.10.2021. Cyanistes caeruleus (Cyanistes caeruleus) is a species of bird. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: OSWR/Vali
Posted in: Animal > Cyanistes caeruleus

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Passer montanus: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "2 am Futterhaus" says OSWR/Vali in habitat Garden on 17.10.2021. Passer montanus (Passer montanus) is a species of bird. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: OSWR/Vali
Posted in: Animal > Passer montanus

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Polistinae: Animal in nature in the NatureSpots App "Die letzte Feldwespe Mitte Oktober auf ihrem Nest." says Matthes in nature on 17.10.2021. Polistinae (Polistinae) is a subfamily of insects. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Polistinae #Polistinae
By User: Matthes
Posted in: Animal > Polistinae

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

another species: Animal in nature in the NatureSpots App "Die letzte Feldwespe Mitte Oktober auf ihrem Nest." says Matthes in nature on 17.10.2021. of another species. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #anotherspecies
By User: Matthes
Posted in: Animal > another species

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Quercus: Plant in nature in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by BöPour in nature on 17.10.2021. Quercus (Quercus) is a genus of plants. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Quercus #Quercus
By User: BöPour
Posted in: Plant > Quercus

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Odonata: Animal in habitat Sub-urbia in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Marion Weiss in habitat Sub-urbia on 17.10.2021. Odonata (Odonata) is a order of insects. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Suburbia
By User: Marion Weiss
Posted in: Animal > Odonata

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Urban and Garden in habitat Guerilla gardening in the NatureSpots App "Auch hier ein Update.. Der Guerilla Garden im Herbstlicht #guerillagarden #guerillagardening #herbst #stadtnatur #wien" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Guerilla gardening on 17.10.2021.. Post your nature observations of Urban and Garden sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #UrbanandGarden #Guerillagardening
By User: Ka vonSeiten
Posted in: Urban and Garden > Landscape

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Urban and Garden in habitat Flowerbed in the NatureSpots App "Ein paar der wilden Disteln haben sogar Blüten :) #beet #schotterbeet #wien #disteln" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Flowerbed on 17.10.2021.. Post your nature observations of Urban and Garden sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #UrbanandGarden #Flowerbed
By User: Ka vonSeiten
Posted in: Urban and Garden > Landscape

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Unknown species: Plant in habitat Road or Transportation in the NatureSpots App "Überlebenskünstler am Gehsteig Rand :) Kennt jemand die Art? #pflanze #blume #stadtnatur" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Road or Transportation on 17.10.2021. Unknown species. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #RoadorTransportation
By User: Ka vonSeiten
Posted in: Plant > Unknown species

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Tradescantia: Plant in habitat Road or Transportation in the NatureSpots App "Das ist das 2. Mal dasz ich in Wien wild wachsende Tradescantien entdecke.. Hier in 2 Lüftungsgitter. #tradescantia #wien #stadt #neophyt" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Road or Transportation on 17.10.2021. Tradescantia (Tradescantia) is a genus of plants. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #RoadorTransportation
By User: Ka vonSeiten
Posted in: Plant > Tradescantia

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Eurasian Wren: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Hier in diese dichten Hecke aus Rosen, Hartriegel, Liguster und sonstigem habe ich hier im Garten den ersten Zaunkönig gesehen. Wollte ihn nicht durch Fotos knispen verscheuchen." says Tam Waits in habitat Garden on 16.10.2021. Eurasian Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) is a species of bird. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: Tam Waits
Posted in: Animal > Eurasian Wren

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Aglais urticae: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Ein weiterer Sonnenanbeter" says Tam Waits in habitat Garden on 16.10.2021. Aglais urticae (Aglais urticae) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: Tam Waits
Posted in: Animal > Aglais urticae

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Coccinella magnifica: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Tam Waits in habitat Garden on 16.10.2021. Coccinella magnifica (Coccinella magnifica) is a species of beetle. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: Tam Waits
Posted in: Animal > Coccinella magnifica

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Dark bush-cricket: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Heute hatte man das Gefühl, dass alle Tiere sich mochmal ausgiebig gesonnt haben." says Tam Waits in habitat Garden on 16.10.2021. Dark bush-cricket (Pholidoptera griseoaptera) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: Tam Waits
Posted in: Animal > Dark bush-cricket

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

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