Nature observation Blog from the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Grassland and Shrub in habitat Grassland in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Verein AKUPARA in habitat Grassland on 22.05.2021.. Post your nature observations of Grassland and Shrub sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #GrasslandandShrub #Grassland
By User: Verein AKUPARA
Posted in: Grassland and Shrub > Landscape

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Athalia rosae: Animal in habitat Buffer strip in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Danny VG in habitat Buffer strip on 19.05.2021. Athalia rosae (Athalia rosae) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Bufferstrip
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Animal > Athalia rosae

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Unknown species: Plant in habitat Road or Transportation in the NatureSpots App "Lindenbaum mit Zweigen auf allen Höhen.?" says Mamabird in habitat Road or Transportation on 22.05.2021. Unknown species. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #RoadorTransportation
By User: Mamabird
Posted in: Plant > Unknown species

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Mute swan: Animal in habitat Lake in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by DiDoDa in habitat Lake on 22.05.2021. Mute swan (Cygnus olor) is a species of swan. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Lake
By User: DiDoDa
Posted in: Animal > Mute swan

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Mute swan: Animal in habitat Lake in the NatureSpots App "Cuteness update" says DiDoDa in habitat Lake on 22.05.2021. Mute swan (Cygnus olor) is a species of swan. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Lake
By User: DiDoDa
Posted in: Animal > Mute swan

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Mute swan: Animal in habitat Lake in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by DiDoDa in habitat Lake on 22.05.2021. Mute swan (Cygnus olor) is a species of swan. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Lake
By User: DiDoDa
Posted in: Animal > Mute swan

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Felis catus: Animal in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots App "Dieser ist ein echter Jäger, man müsste sich eine Kuhglocke anziehen, schade, dass sie den Vögeln nachjagt. Es gibt noch einen, aber das ist ein Salontiger." says Danny VG in habitat Garden on 19.05.2021. Felis catus (Felis catus) is a species of mammal. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Garden
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Animal > Felis catus

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Anemone clematis: Plant in habitat City and Urban in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Danny VG in habitat City and Urban on 19.05.2021. Anemone clematis (Clematis montana) is a species of early flowering plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #CityandUrban
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Plant > Anemone clematis

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Anemone clematis: Plant in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Danny VG in habitat Garden on 19.05.2021. Anemone clematis (Clematis montana) is a species of early flowering plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Garden
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Plant > Anemone clematis

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Freshwater in habitat Artificial freshwater in the NatureSpots App "Hier (und auch an vielen anderen Stellen am Lech) wurden im April dieses Jahres Im Rahmen eines Renaturierungsprojektes vier Kleingewässer für Amphibien geschaffen." says Baumi21 in habitat Artificial freshwater on 22.05.2021.. Post your nature observations of Freshwater sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Freshwater #Artificialfreshwater
By User: Baumi21
Posted in: Freshwater > Landscape

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Coloeus monedula: Animal in habitat City and Urban in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Danny VG in habitat City and Urban on 19.05.2021. Coloeus monedula (Coloeus monedula) is a species of bird. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #CityandUrban
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Animal > Coloeus monedula

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Coloeus monedula: Animal in habitat City and Urban in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Danny VG in habitat City and Urban on 19.05.2021. Coloeus monedula (Coloeus monedula) is a species of bird. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #CityandUrban
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Animal > Coloeus monedula

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Carniolan honey bee: Animal in habitat Natural Meadow in the NatureSpots App "Könnte auch eine Hummel sein. Konnte aber still am selben Punkt fliegen. So wie Libellen" says NiMa21 in habitat Natural Meadow on 22.05.2021. Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) is a subspecies of honey bee. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #NaturalMeadow
By User: NiMa21
Posted in: Animal > Carniolan honey bee

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Brown-banded carder bee: Animal in habitat Natural Meadow in the NatureSpots App "Sieht aus wie eine andere Gattung von Hummeln" says NiMa21 in habitat Natural Meadow on 22.05.2021. Brown-banded carder bee (Bombus humilis) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #NaturalMeadow
By User: NiMa21
Posted in: Animal > Brown-banded carder bee

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Firebug: Animal in habitat Natural Meadow in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by NiMa21 in habitat Natural Meadow on 22.05.2021. Firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #NaturalMeadow
By User: NiMa21
Posted in: Animal > Firebug

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Bombus: Animal in habitat Natural Meadow in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by NiMa21 in habitat Natural Meadow on 22.05.2021. Bombus (Bombus) is a genus of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #NaturalMeadow
By User: NiMa21
Posted in: Animal > Bombus

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Bombus bifarius: Animal in habitat Backyard in the NatureSpots App "NO i cant." says Ilkay Avci in habitat Backyard on 10.04.2003. Bombus bifarius (Bombus bifarius) is a species of insect. Post your nature observations of Animal sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Animal #Backyard
By User: Ilkay Avci
Posted in: Animal > Bombus bifarius

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Juglans regia: Plant in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Danny VG in habitat Garden on 19.05.2021. Juglans regia (Juglans regia) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Garden
By User: Danny VG
Posted in: Plant > Juglans regia

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

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