Nature observation Blog from the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Urban and Garden in the NatureSpots App "Weil gesagt wurde das sei ein "Spezialgranulat" sorry.. Das ist gewöhnlicher Schotter. #naturedetective" says Ka vonSeiten on 21.02.2021.. Post your nature observations of Urban and Garden sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #UrbanandGarden

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Urban and Garden in the NatureSpots App "Schotterbeet, 1080 Wien. Ein paar Stauden aber kein Unterbewuchs" says Ka vonSeiten on 21.02.2021.. Post your nature observations of Urban and Garden sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #UrbanandGarden

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Trametes versicolor: Mushroom in habitat Temperate forest in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by BöPour in habitat Temperate forest on 21.02.2021. Trametes versicolor (Trametes versicolor) is a species of fungus. Post your nature observations of Mushroom sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Mushroom #Temperateforest

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Fomes fomentarius: Mushroom in habitat Temperate forest in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by TheOSWR in habitat Temperate forest on 21.02.2021. Fomes fomentarius (Fomes fomentarius) is a species of fungus. Post your nature observations of Mushroom sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Mushroom #Temperateforest

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Forest in habitat Temperate forest in the NatureSpots App "Young fagus trees" says TheOSWR in habitat Temperate forest on 21.02.2021.. Post your nature observations of Forest sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Forest #Temperateforest

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Trametes gibbosa: Mushroom in habitat Temperate forest in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by BöPour in habitat Temperate forest on 21.02.2021. Trametes gibbosa (Trametes gibbosa) is a species of fungus. Post your nature observations of Mushroom sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Mushroom #Temperateforest

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Sarcoscypha: Mushroom in habitat Temperate forest in the NatureSpots App "Die Farbe hat sich ein bisschen verändert, durch den Frost vielleicht...?" says BöPour in habitat Temperate forest on 21.02.2021. Sarcoscypha (Sarcoscypha) is a genus of fungi. Post your nature observations of Mushroom sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Mushroom #Temperateforest

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Hepatica: Plant in habitat Temperate forest in the NatureSpots App "Blühbeginn!" says BöPour in habitat Temperate forest on 21.02.2021. Hepatica (Hepatica) is a genus of plants. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Temperateforest

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Echinacea purpurea: Plant in habitat Flowerbed in the NatureSpots App "September 2020, Sonnenhut und im Hintergrund das Beet, kein Kies, Bodenbewuchs aus Gräsern und krautigen Pflanzen #stadtnatur #sonnenhut" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Flowerbed on 02.09.2020. Echinacea purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Flowerbed

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Urban and Garden in habitat Flowerbed in the NatureSpots App "Stadtbeet 1070 Wien, kein Kies. Status im Winter, natürlicher Untergrund, krautige Pflanzen." says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Flowerbed on 08.02.2021.. Post your nature observations of Urban and Garden sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #UrbanandGarden #Flowerbed

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Urban and Garden in habitat Brownfield land in the NatureSpots App "Verlassene Villa mitten in #Leipzig - inkl. Stadt-Natur am Vorrücken;) #Abandonedhouse #spooky #urbandecay #villa" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Brownfield land on 21.02.2021.. Post your nature observations of Urban and Garden sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #UrbanandGarden #Brownfieldland

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Sambucus nigra: Plant in habitat Brownfield land in the NatureSpots App "Abbruchhaus in Leipzip 2019 mit einem Holunder Strauch. Abandoned building in Leipzig. #urbandecay #naturetakesback" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Brownfield land on 25.08.2019. Sambucus nigra (Sambucus nigra) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Brownfieldland

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Populus: Plant in habitat Brownfield land in the NatureSpots App "Pappelschößlinge in Brache, oder Gstetten wie wir das in Wien sagen würden. Ist aber in Leipzig, August 2019, bei der Citizen Science Summer School im iDiv. Im Hintergrund der MDR (mitteldeutsche Rundfunk). Young trees in brown land 2019. I wonder if it is untouched still. #leipzip #stadtnatur #brache" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Brownfield land on 26.08.2019. Populus (Populus) is a genus of plants. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Brownfieldland

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Urban and Garden in habitat Commerce or Industrial in the NatureSpots App "Innenansicht, Industrie-Ruine in Leipzig, Deutschland, 2019. Farne und junge Bäume. Nature takes back. #industryruins #naturetakesback" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Commerce or Industrial on 26.08.2019.. Post your nature observations of Urban and Garden sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #UrbanandGarden #CommerceorIndustrial

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Landscape: Urban and Garden in habitat Commerce or Industrial in the NatureSpots App "The beauty of decay. Amazing industrial ruin in Leipzig 2019, taken over by nature. Industrieruine in Leipzig, Deutschland, Re-Naturisierung. #urbandecay #urban #urbannature #leipzip" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Commerce or Industrial on 26.08.2019.. Post your nature observations of Urban and Garden sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #UrbanandGarden #CommerceorIndustrial

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Veronica polita: Plant in habitat Park in the NatureSpots App "Another unknown species, Grows in the gaps between wall and pavement. Survivalist. #stadtgrün #expedition #wienliebe" says Ka vonSeiten in habitat Park on 21.02.2021. Veronica polita (Veronica polita) is a species of plant. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Park

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Primula: Plant in habitat Park in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Insectsvienna in habitat Park on 21.02.2021. Primula (Primula) is a genus of plants. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Park

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

Galanthus: Plant in habitat Garden in the NatureSpots AppA discovery by Insectsvienna in habitat Garden on 21.02.2021. Galanthus (Galanthus) is a genus of plants. Post your nature observations of Plant sightings in the NatureSpots App, too! #NatureSpots #Plant #Garden

Open observation in the NatureSpots App

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